Oct 2022--MBS and Peter Brown performed some fisheries work on the Boulder River Ranch.....good fall day to be on the river.
Sept 2022--David Stagliano transitioned from President-Elect to President of the MT Chapter of the American Fisheries Society.
August 2020-David Stagliano was interviewed and followed around for the day at Elliston Creek for the western pearlshell article "Uncertain Waters" in the popular Montana Quarterly magazine ...check this article out on their website
July 2019: Chet Stefan, Videographer, followed around the MBS crew, and captured some great video, purely awesome, go Montana Biological Survey crew!!!... thanks Chet Stefan https://vimeo.com/347360186
May 2019--Montana Biological Survey is partnered with Montana State University to mentor a graduate student pursuing a MS degree on western pearlshell reproductive and life-history characteristics in the Big Hole and Upper Rock Creek basins.
August 2017--Montana Biological Survey was awarded EPA's Clark Fork River Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Contract that has been ongoing since the 90's. MBS feels honored to take this project over from Dan McGuire who's been the "bug guy" on the Clark Fork since the beginning. Watch the Focal Projects Section or MBS on Facebook for updates.
June 2017--Montana Biological Survey Assisted Nez Pierce Tribes IDF&G and USFS Nez Perce Clearwater National Forest salvage >15,000 western pearlshell mussel in a restored placer mined reach of Lolo Creek, a tributary to the Clearwater River.
March 2017--David Stagliano was interviewed for the "Mussel Loss" Article in the popular Montana Outdoors magazine...check it out on their website: Montana Outdoors
December 2016--Montana Biological Survey Aquatic Ecologist was interviewed by the Pacific Standard in Portland, Oregon for a news article on the declining western pearlshell mussel: The delightful-and-doomed-mollusks-among-us